Best Recirculating Pump for Tankless Water Heater: Top Picks & Reviews

The best recirculating pump for a tankless water heater is one that is integrated into the heater itself, as it ensures optimal performance and energy efficiency. It is always recommended to purchase a tankless water heater with an integrated recirculation pump for the best results.

Installing a separate recirculating system can also be effective, but compatibility with the water heater and proper installation are key factors to consider.

Importance Of A Reliable Recirculating Pump

When it comes to ensuring a constant flow of hot water in your tankless water heater system, having a reliable recirculating pump is crucial. A recirculating pump is designed to recirculate hot water continuously, providing you with instant hot water whenever you need it. In addition to the convenience factor, there are several other important reasons why a reliable recirculating pump is essential in a tankless water heater system.

Ensures Consistent Hot Water Flow

One of the main advantages of having a reliable recirculating pump is that it ensures a consistent flow of hot water throughout your home. With a recirculating pump in place, you no longer have to wait for the water to heat up before you can use it. The recirculating pump keeps the hot water flowing through the pipes at all times, so when you turn on the tap, you get hot water instantly. This is especially beneficial for larger households or homes with multiple bathrooms, as it reduces the waiting time and provides a hassle-free hot water experience.

Reduces Water Wastage

A reliable recirculating pump can significantly reduce water wastage in a tankless water heater system. Without a recirculating pump, each time you turn on the tap, cold water sitting in the pipes gets wasted until the hot water reaches the faucet. This can result in a considerable amount of water being wasted over time, especially if there are long distances between the water heater and the faucets. However, with a recirculating pump, the hot water is consistently circulated, eliminating the need for running the faucet until hot water arrives. This not only saves water but also reduces utility bills and contributes to a more sustainable household.

Energy Efficiency Benefits

In addition to the convenience and water-saving benefits, a reliable recirculating pump also helps improve the energy efficiency of a tankless water heater system. Without a recirculating pump, the water heater would frequently need to heat up the cold water in the pipes, resulting in energy wastage. By continuously recirculating the hot water, the recirculating pump minimizes the need for the water heater to start and stop frequently, reducing energy consumption. This not only saves you money on your energy bills but also reduces the carbon footprint of your household.

Best Recirculating Pump Features

When it comes to choosing the best recirculating pump for your tankless water heater, there are several important features to consider. These features can make a significant difference in terms of compatibility, operational efficiency, quietness, ease of installation, and maintenance. Let’s take a closer look at each of these features:

Compatibility With Tankless Systems

One of the critical factors to consider when selecting a recirculating pump is its compatibility with tankless water heater systems. Since tankless systems work differently than traditional water heaters, it’s crucial to choose a recirculating pump that is specifically designed to work with these systems. Look for pumps that are labeled as “compatible with tankless water heaters” to ensure proper performance and optimal functionality.

Operational Efficiency And Quietness

An efficient and quiet recirculating pump is essential for a seamless and enjoyable user experience. Look for pumps that are designed to operate with minimal energy consumption, allowing you to save on your utility bills. Additionally, opt for pumps that are equipped with noise-reducing features, such as a quiet motor and vibration-dampening technology. This way, you can enjoy the convenience of hot water on demand without the disturbance of a noisy pump.

Ease Of Installation And Maintenance

No one wants to spend hours struggling with a complicated installation process or dealing with frequent maintenance tasks. That’s why it’s essential to choose a recirculating pump that offers ease of installation and maintenance. Look for pumps that come with detailed installation instructions and all the necessary components for a hassle-free setup. Additionally, opt for pumps that require minimal maintenance, such as self-lubricating systems or easily accessible parts.

In conclusion, the best recirculating pump for a tankless water heater should be compatible with tankless systems, offer operational efficiency and quietness, as well as provide ease of installation and maintenance. By considering these features when making your decision, you can ensure that you choose a pump that meets your specific needs and enhances the performance of your tankless water heater system.

Assessing The Top Tankless Heater Pumps

Assessing the top tankless heater pumps to find the best recirculating pump for a tankless water heater is essential. These pumps provide efficient hot water circulation, ensuring instant hot water and reducing water waste. Investing in a tankless water heater with an integrated recirculation pump is highly recommended for optimal performance.

Performance And Durability Analysis

When it comes to recirculating pumps for tankless water heaters, it’s crucial to consider their performance and durability. These two factors play a significant role in ensuring that you have a reliable and long-lasting pump that effectively circulates hot water throughout your home. To assess the performance of a recirculating pump, you can look at its flow rate, which determines how quickly it can move water. A higher flow rate typically indicates better performance, ensuring that hot water reaches your faucets and showers promptly.

Durability is another crucial aspect to consider. Since recirculating pumps continuously run to maintain hot water circulation, they experience significant wear and tear. A pump with high durability ensures that it can withstand the continuous operation without any issues. Additionally, considering pumps made from corrosion-resistant materials, such as stainless steel or brass, can further enhance their durability, preventing rust and extending their lifespan.

Consumer Feedback And Ratings

When investing in a recirculating pump for your tankless water heater, it’s essential to consider consumer feedback and ratings. Hearing from other consumers who have already used the specific pump you are interested in can provide valuable insights. They can highlight the pros and cons of each pump, allowing you to make an informed decision.

Checking online platforms, such as Amazon or Home Depot, can provide you with access to customer reviews and ratings. Look for pumps with significant positive feedback and high ratings, indicating that they have satisfied customers with their performance and durability. Pay attention to any recurring issues or concerns raised by consumers to ensure you are aware of any potential drawbacks before making a purchase.

Best Recirculating Pump for Tankless Water Heater: Top Picks & Reviews


Comparing Efficiency And Value

When it comes to choosing the best recirculating pump for your tankless water heater, it’s important to consider both efficiency and value. A recirculating pump can significantly improve the convenience of your tankless water heater by reducing the time it takes for hot water to reach your faucets and showers. However, not all recirculating pumps are created equal, and it’s important to compare their efficiency and value before making a decision.

Initial Investment Versus Long-term Savings

One of the key factors to consider when comparing recirculating pumps is the initial investment versus the long-term savings they can provide. While some pumps may have a higher upfront cost, they may offer greater energy efficiency that can result in significant savings on your monthly energy bills. It’s important to calculate the potential energy savings over time and compare them to the initial investment to determine the true value of a recirculating pump.

Warranty Coverage And Brand Reputation

Another important aspect to consider is the warranty coverage and brand reputation of the recirculating pump. A pump from a reputable brand with a strong warranty can provide peace of mind and assurance that you’re investing in a reliable and durable product. Look for pumps that offer extensive warranty coverage and have positive customer reviews to ensure you’re choosing a high-quality pump that will last.

In conclusion, comparing the efficiency and value of recirculating pumps for tankless water heaters is crucial to making an informed purchasing decision. Consider the initial investment versus long-term savings, as well as the warranty coverage and brand reputation, to choose a pump that meets your needs for both efficiency and affordability.

Matching Pump To Heater Specifications

When it comes to choosing the best recirculating pump for your tankless water heater, it is crucial to match the pump to the heater’s specifications. This ensures optimal performance and energy efficiency. Two key factors to consider are the GPM (gallons per minute) and temperature settings. Let’s delve deeper into each of these factors.

Understanding Gpm And Temperature Settings

In order to properly match the recirculating pump to your tankless water heater, it is important to understand the GPM and temperature settings.

The GPM refers to the flow rate of water through the pump. It represents the volume of water that the pump can circulate per minute. Different tankless water heaters have different GPM requirements, which can usually be found in the product specifications.

Temperature settings are another crucial aspect to consider. Tankless water heaters allow users to set the desired water temperature. The recirculating pump should be compatible with these temperature settings to ensure it can effectively circulate water at the desired temperature.

Pump Sizing For Household Demand

Proper pump sizing is essential to meet the household demand for hot water. The size of the recirculating pump should align with the peak hot water demand in your household. This depends on factors such as the number of bathrooms, appliances, and fixtures that require hot water simultaneously.

To determine the appropriate pump size, you can use a sizing calculator or consult with a professional. It is important to note that an undersized pump may not be able to keep up with the hot water demand, while an oversized pump may consume unnecessary energy.

Installation Essentials And Tips

Looking to install a tankless water heater? Find the best recirculating pump for your needs in Austin, Texas. Improve efficiency and save time and energy with the right installation essentials and tips.

Installing a recirculating pump for your tankless water heater is a great way to ensure hot water is readily available at all times. However, proper installation is crucial to ensure optimal performance and longevity of the pump. In this section, we will discuss two important aspects of installation: professional versus DIY installation and troubleshooting common pump issues.

Professional Versus Diy Installation

When it comes to installing a recirculating pump, you have the option to hire a professional or do it yourself. Each approach has its own advantages and considerations.

Having a professional install your recirculating pump can give you peace of mind knowing that the job is being handled by an experienced technician. They have the knowledge and expertise to properly assess your specific plumbing system and recommend the best pump for your needs.

Additionally, professional installation can save you time and effort, as they will take care of all the necessary measurements, connections, and electrical hookups. They will ensure that the pump is installed correctly and in compliance with local building codes.

While professional installation may come with a higher upfront cost, it can be a worthwhile investment for those who prefer a hassle-free experience and want to ensure that their pump works efficiently from the start.

If you have some plumbing knowledge and enjoy tackling home improvement projects, you may consider installing the recirculating pump yourself. DIY installation can save you money on labor costs and give you a sense of accomplishment.

Before attempting a DIY installation, it is essential to thoroughly read the manufacturer’s installation instructions and follow them carefully. Make sure you have the necessary tools and materials, and take the time to understand the steps involved.

Keep in mind that DIY installation may not be suitable for everyone. If you are unsure about your plumbing skills or if the installation seems complex, it is advisable to hire a professional to avoid any potential water damage or improper installation.

Troubleshooting Common Pump Issues

Even with proper installation, recirculating pumps may encounter issues from time to time. Here are some common pump issues and troubleshooting tips:

1. No hot water circulation:

  • Check if the pump is receiving power by ensuring it is plugged in and the breaker is not tripped.
  • Inspect the pump for any visible signs of damage or leakage.
  • Make sure all the valves and connections are properly open and secure.
  • Verify that the temperature sensor is working correctly.

2. Pump running continuously:

  • Check if the pump’s timer settings are adjusted properly.
  • Ensure that the check valve is functioning correctly and not stuck.
  • Inspect the system for any leaks or obstructions that may be causing the continuous running.

3. Inconsistent hot water temperature:

  • Check the temperature setting on the water heater and adjust if necessary.
  • Inspect the recirculation loop for any leaks or air pockets that may be affecting the temperature.
  • Verify that the pump’s flow rate is sufficient for your water heater’s capacity.

By troubleshooting these common pump issues, you can potentially resolve the problem without the need for professional assistance. However, if the issue persists or if you are unsure about the troubleshooting steps, it is recommended to consult a professional plumber.

Maintaining Your Recirculating Pump

Maintaining your recirculating pump is crucial for the optimal performance of your tankless water heater. By choosing the best recirculating pump for your tankless water heater, you can ensure efficient water circulation and consistent hot water supply throughout your home.

Maintaining Your Recirculating Pump

Routine checks and cleaning

Regular maintenance is crucial to ensure the optimal performance and longevity of your recirculating pump. By following a few routine checks and cleaning procedures, you can keep your pump in top shape and prevent any potential issues. Here are some steps you can take:

1. Visual inspection: Start by visually inspecting your pump regularly. Look for any signs of damage, leaks, or loose connections. If you notice anything unusual, it’s important to address it promptly to avoid further complications.

2. Cleaning the pump: Over time, debris and sediment can accumulate in the pump, affecting its efficiency. Regular cleaning of the pump is necessary to remove any build-up. To clean the pump, follow these steps:

a. Turn off the power supply to the pump.
b. Disconnect the pump from the power source.
c. Use a soft brush or cloth to remove any dirt or debris from the pump’s exterior.
d. If the pump has an inspection cover, open it and gently clean the impeller and other internal components.
e. Rinse the pump with clean water to remove any remaining residue.
f. Allow the pump to dry completely before reconnecting it to the power source.

3. Lubrication: Lubricating the moving parts of the pump is essential for smooth and efficient operation. Check the manufacturer’s instructions for the recommended lubricant and apply it as directed. Make sure not to over-lubricate, as excessive lubrication can cause damage to the pump.

4. Check the pressure: Periodically testing the pump’s pressure is important to ensure it is functioning within the desired range. You can use a pressure gauge to measure the pressure at different points in the system. If the pressure is outside the recommended range, consult the manufacturer’s instructions or seek professional assistance.

When to seek professional servicing

While routine maintenance can be done by the homeowner, there are instances where professional servicing might be necessary. Here are some signs that indicate it’s time to seek the expertise of a professional:

1. Unusual noises: If your recirculating pump starts making strange noises like grinding, screeching, or clicking, it could be a sign of a mechanical issue that requires professional attention.

2. Persistent leaks: Leaks can occur due to loose connections, damaged seals, or worn-out components. If you notice persistent leaks, it’s important to contact a professional to assess and resolve the issue.

3. Decreased performance: If you notice a significant decrease in the pump’s performance, such as reduced water pressure or inconsistent hot water supply, it could indicate an underlying problem that requires professional troubleshooting.

4. Electrical issues: If your pump is experiencing electrical problems, such as frequent tripping of circuit breakers, it’s crucial to seek professional assistance. Electrical issues can be dangerous, and attempting to fix them without proper knowledge and expertise can lead to injuries or further damage.

In conclusion, maintaining your recirculating pump is essential to ensure its optimal performance and longevity. By following routine checks, cleaning, and seeking professional servicing when necessary, you can keep your pump in excellent condition and enjoy uninterrupted hot water supply from your tankless water heater. Remember, a well-maintained pump is an investment in the efficiency and reliability of your tankless water heating system.

Frequently Asked Questions Of Best Recirculating Pump For Tankless Water Heater

Do Recirculation Pumps Work With Tankless Water Heaters?

Recirculation pumps can work with tankless water heaters. While some tankless water heaters come with an integrated recirculation pump, others require you to purchase one separately. It is recommended to choose a tankless water heater with an integrated recirculation pump for optimal performance.

What Kind Of Pump Do I Need For A Tankless Water Heater?

For a tankless water heater, it is recommended to use a recirculation pump. Some tankless water heater models come with an integrated pump, while others do not. It is best to purchase a tankless water heater with a built-in recirculation pump for optimal performance.

What Is The Best Practice When Installing A Recirculating System On A Single Tankless Water Heater?

The best practice when installing a recirculating system on a single tankless water heater is to use a tankless water heater with a recirculation loop. This ensures optimal performance and efficiency for the system.

How Much Does It Cost To Add A Recirculating Pump To A Tankless Water Heater?

Adding a recirculating pump to a tankless water heater can cost around $300 to $400, depending on the brand and model. It is recommended to purchase a tankless water heater with an integrated recirculation pump for the best results. Some tankless water heaters already come with a built-in recirculation pump, while others may require additional installation.


To ensure optimal performance and efficiency of your tankless water heater, investing in a recirculating pump is highly recommended. While some models come with an integrated pump, others may require separate installation. Regardless, the benefits of a recirculating pump are worth the investment.

It eliminates the need to wait for hot water, reduces water wastage, and provides instant hot water at every tap. Plus, it helps save energy and lower utility bills in the long run. So, whether you’re upgrading your existing tankless water heater or installing a new one, don’t forget to consider the best recirculating pump for your needs.

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