How Often to Flush Navien Tankless Water Heater

Flushing your Navien tankless water heater annually is recommended to ensure it works properly and lasts for many years. Annual maintenance removes mineral deposits and prevents clogs, maintaining the unit’s efficiency and performance.

If left unflushed, mineral deposits can cause clogs and impact the heater’s heating activity and efficiency, leading to fluctuating hot water and potential system overheating. To determine if your water heater needs flushing, listen for booming or banging sounds, which may indicate sediment buildup and the need for professional assistance.

Regular flushing and maintenance will keep your Navien tankless water heater running smoothly and providing reliable hot water.

How Often to Flush Navien Tankless Water Heater: Essential Maintenance Guide


Unveiling Navien Tankless Benefits

Maintaining the Navien tankless water heater is crucial for optimal performance. Regularly flushing the system helps remove mineral deposits and ensure efficient operation. Failure to flush the water heater can lead to sediment buildup and potentially cause damage over time.

Ensures Efficient Operation

Regularly flushing your Navien tankless water heater is crucial to ensuring its efficient operation. Over time, mineral deposits, rust, and sediment can accumulate in the system, causing clogs and reducing the unit’s performance. Flushing the system removes these unwanted particles, allowing the water heater to function optimally. By maintaining efficient operation, you can enjoy a consistent supply of hot water without any interruptions.

Extends Unit Lifespan

Flushing your Navien tankless water heater regularly not only improves its efficiency but also extends its lifespan. The accumulation of mineral deposits and sediment can cause corrosion and damage to the internal components of the unit. By flushing the system periodically, you can prevent this build-up, reducing the risk of costly repairs or premature replacement. A well-maintained tankless water heater can provide reliable performance for many years, ensuring you get the most out of your investment.

Sustains Energy Savings

One of the significant benefits of Navien tankless water heaters is their energy efficiency. These units are designed to heat water on-demand, eliminating the need for a storage tank and reducing standby energy loss. However, over time, mineral deposits can insulate the heating elements, forcing the unit to use more energy to reach the desired temperature. Flushing the system regularly removes these deposits, allowing the heater to operate at peak efficiency. By sustaining energy savings, you can lower your utility bills and reduce your environmental impact.

Flushing your Navien tankless water heater ensures efficient operation, extends the unit’s lifespan, and sustains energy savings. By following a regular maintenance schedule, you can enjoy reliable hot water, reduce the risk of breakdowns, and save money on your energy bills. Don’t overlook the importance of maintenance – keep your tankless water heater in top shape with proper flushing.

Risks Of Neglecting Flushes

Neglecting flushes of your Navien tankless water heater can lead to a buildup of mineral deposits, which can affect its efficiency and lifespan. Regular flushing is recommended to remove these deposits and ensure optimal performance.

Accumulation Of Mineral Deposits

One of the risks of neglecting regular flushes in your Navien tankless water heater is the accumulation of mineral deposits. Over time, minerals present in the water supply can build up inside the heat exchanger and other components of the heater. This accumulation can lead to reduced efficiency and potential malfunctions.

Reduced Water Heating Efficiency

When mineral deposits accumulate in the Navien tankless water heater, they act as an insulator, preventing effective heat transfer. As a result, the water heating efficiency of the system decreases. Lower efficiency means the heater has to work harder and longer to provide the desired amount of hot water, leading to increased energy consumption and higher utility bills.

Potential System Malfunctions

Ignoring regular flushes can also result in potential malfunctions of your Navien tankless water heater. The accumulated mineral deposits can cause blockages in the heat exchanger or other parts, hindering proper functioning. This can lead to issues such as inconsistent water temperature, reduced water flow, or even complete system failure. Regular flushes help prevent these problems and ensure the smooth operation of your water heating system.

Decoding Manufacturer Recommendations

When it comes to maintaining your Navien tankless water heater, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for cleaning and flushing. These recommendations are designed to ensure the longevity and efficiency of your water heater. In this section, we will decode the specific intervals suggested by Navien for flushing your tankless water heater and discuss the impact of water hardness on these schedules.

Specific Intervals Suggested By Navien

Navien recommends flushing the tankless water heater at specific intervals to remove mineral deposits and buildup that can affect its performance. The frequency of flushing depends on the hardness of your water and the usage of the water heater. Here are the suggested intervals based on Navien’s recommendations:

Water Hardness LevelUsageFlush Interval
SoftLow to moderateEvery 2 years
HardLow to moderateAnnually

It is important to note that these intervals are general guidelines, and the actual frequency may vary depending on your specific circumstances. It is always best to consult the manufacturer’s instructions and consider the advice of a qualified professional to determine the optimal flushing schedule for your Navien tankless water heater.

Impact Of Water Hardness On Schedules

The hardness of water refers to the mineral content, mainly calcium and magnesium ions, present in the water supply. Hard water can lead to the accumulation of mineral deposits inside the tankless water heater over time, reducing its efficiency and performance. The impact of water hardness on the flushing schedule is significant, as harder water requires more frequent flushing.

Navien recommends conducting a water hardness test to determine the appropriate flush interval for your specific water hardness level. This test will help you understand the mineral content in your water and enable you to adjust the flushing schedule accordingly. If you are unsure about the water hardness level or how it affects your flushing schedule, consider reaching out to a professional for guidance.

In conclusion, decoding the manufacturer recommendations for flushing your Navien tankless water heater is crucial to ensuring its optimal performance and longevity. By adhering to the recommended intervals and considering the impact of water hardness, you can maintain a clean and efficient water heater system that will supply you with hot water whenever you need it.

Signs Your Navien Needs Flushing

Regular maintenance is crucial to keep your Navien tankless water heater performing at its best. One important aspect of maintenance is flushing the unit to remove mineral build-up and ensure optimal performance and longevity. But how do you know when it’s time to flush your Navien? Look out for these signs:

Reduced Hot Water Output

If you’ve noticed a decrease in your Navien tankless water heater’s hot water output, it could be a sign that it needs flushing. Over time, mineral deposits can accumulate in the heat exchanger, restricting the flow of hot water. This can result in decreased water pressure and lower water temperature. Flushing the unit will help remove these deposits and restore the hot water output to its full capacity.

Unusual Noises Or Vibrations

Is your Navien tankless water heater making strange noises or vibrating more than usual? This could indicate a mineral build-up problem. As minerals accumulate in the system, they can cause blockages and disruptions in the water flow, leading to unusual sounds and vibrations. Flushing the unit will help dislodge and remove these deposits, restoring smooth and quiet operation.

Visible Mineral Build-up

If you notice visible mineral build-up on the exterior or interior parts of your Navien tankless water heater, it’s a clear sign that flushing is needed. Mineral deposits can appear as white or yellowish scale-like formations and can be found on the heat exchanger, pipes, and other components. Regular flushing will prevent these deposits from causing further damage or affecting the unit’s efficiency.

By addressing these signs promptly and regularly flushing your Navien tankless water heater, you can ensure optimal performance, maximize energy efficiency, and extend the lifespan of your unit. It’s recommended to consult your manufacturer’s guidelines or seek professional help to determine the appropriate frequency of flushing for your specific model.

Preparing For The Flush

Regularly flushing your Navien tankless water heater is crucial to maintain its performance and extend its lifespan. Without proper flushing, mineral deposits can build up and cause issues like reduced efficiency and poor water quality. To ensure optimal operation, it is recommended to flush your Navien tankless water heater annually or as directed by the manufacturer.

# Preparing for the Flush

Before you start flushing your Navien tankless water heater, it is important to gather the necessary tools and materials. You will need the following:

## Tools and Materials Checklist
1. Adjustable wrench
2. Screwdriver
3. Bucket or large container
4. Cleaning solution or descaling agent (specifically recommended for tankless water heaters)
5. Vinegar (optional)
6. Soft brush or cloth
7. Water hose
8. Gloves

### Safety Precautions before Starting

Prior to starting the flush, it is crucial to take some safety precautions to ensure your well-being and the proper functioning of the water heater:

1. Turn off the power supply to the water heater. Locate the electrical panel and switch off the breaker or disconnect the power source.
2. Close the gas supply valve if your Navien tankless water heater is powered by natural gas or propane. This will prevent any potential gas leaks during the flush.
3. Allow the water heater to cool down before proceeding with the flush. Hot water can cause burns, so it’s important to prioritize safety.
4. Put on a pair of sturdy gloves to protect your hands from any potential sharp edges or chemical contact.

### Quick Tips:
– Always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions and guidelines for your specific Navien tankless water heater model before performing any maintenance.
– If you are unsure about any step or are uncomfortable performing the flush on your own, it’s best to seek professional assistance.

By following these safety precautions and gathering the necessary tools and materials, you are well-prepared to begin the flush of your Navien tankless water heater. Taking the time to properly prepare will ensure a smooth and efficient flushing process and help maintain the longevity of your water heater. Remember to always prioritize safety and refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for specific guidance.

Executing The Essential Flush

Regularly flushing your Navien tankless water heater is crucial to maintain its efficiency and prolong its lifespan. By following the proper flushing procedures, you can prevent mineral deposits from building up and causing potential issues with your unit. Ensure to schedule regular maintenance to avoid any costly repairs.

Isolating The Water Heater

Before starting the process of flushing and descaling your Navien tankless water heater, it’s crucial to isolate the unit to prevent any accidents or water leakage. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Begin by locating the shut-off valve for the water heater. It is usually located near the water inlet.
  2. Turn the shut-off valve clockwise to close it, ensuring that no water flows into the unit during the flushing process.
  3. To guarantee complete isolation, make sure you also close the upstream water valve that supplies water to the water heater.

Flushing And Descaling Process

Once you have successfully isolated the Navien tankless water heater, it’s time to proceed with the flushing and descaling process. Here is a step-by-step guide:

  1. Start by connecting a hose to the drain valve located at the bottom of the water heater. Make sure the other end of the hose is placed in a suitable drainage area.
  2. Open the pressure relief valve on the water heater to release any built-up pressure.
  3. Open the drain valve to allow the water to flow out of the unit. Let the water drain completely, removing any sediment or debris accumulated inside the heat exchanger.
  4. While the unit is draining, you can use a descaling solution specifically designed for tankless water heaters. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions on the descaling solution’s packaging.
  5. Once the unit is drained, close the drain valve and remove the hose. Rinse the unit thoroughly with clean water to remove any residue remaining from the descaling solution.

Rinsing And System Restart

After completing the flushing and descaling process, it’s essential to rinse the Navien tankless water heater and restart the system properly. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Remove any debris or sediment from the cold water filter and reinsert it back into its original position.
  2. Open the upstream water valve that supplies water to the water heater and turn it counterclockwise to allow water to flow into the unit.
  3. Check for any leaks around the water connections and ensure they are tight. If any leaks are detected, tighten the connections or seek professional assistance.
  4. Turn on a hot water faucet in your home to allow the air to escape from the water heater’s system.
  5. Finally, restore power to the water heater by following the manufacturer’s instructions for system restart.

By executing the essential flush for your Navien tankless water heater and following the recommended maintenance schedule, you can ensure its optimal performance and prolong its lifespan. Remember to refer to the manufacturer’s instructions and seek professional assistance if needed.

Maintaining Your Navien Post-flush

Regular maintenance is crucial for the efficient performance of your Navien tankless water heater. Flushing the system annually removes mineral deposits and ensures longevity. Neglecting maintenance can lead to sediment buildup and issues with the heater’s functionality.

Regular Checks On Filters And Valves

After flushing your Navien tankless water heater, it’s important to regularly check the filters and valves to ensure optimal performance. The filters in your water heater help to prevent debris and sediment from entering the system and clogging the heat exchanger. By periodically inspecting and cleaning these filters, you can maintain proper water flow and prevent any potential issues.

Ensuring Adequate Water Softening

Another crucial aspect of post-flush maintenance for your Navien tankless water heater is ensuring adequate water softening. Hard water contains high levels of minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, which can accumulate on the heat exchanger over time. This buildup can reduce the efficiency of the heater and even cause damage.

To prevent mineral buildup, it’s important to use a water softener to treat the incoming water supply. This will help to minimize the amount of minerals in the water, allowing your Navien tankless water heater to operate more efficiently and prolonging its lifespan.

Regular Descaling

In addition to regular checks on filters and water softening, it is recommended to perform regular descaling of your Navien tankless water heater. Descaling involves removing mineral deposits that may have built up on the heat exchanger and other internal components.

There are different methods and products available for descaling your Navien tankless water heater, including using a descaling solution or a Navien-approved descaling kit. You should follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the appropriate descaling method for your specific model.

By incorporating these post-flush maintenance practices into your routine, you can keep your Navien tankless water heater running efficiently and effectively for years to come.

Leveraging Professional Services

Regular maintenance and flushing of your Navien tankless water heater are crucial to ensuring its optimal performance and extending its lifespan. While some homeowners may prefer to handle these tasks on their own, leveraging professional services for maintenance has several advantages. In this section, we will discuss when to seek expert maintenance and the benefits of scheduled professional service for your Navien tankless water heater.

When To Seek Expert Maintenance

Seeking expert maintenance for your Navien tankless water heater is essential to avoid any potential issues and ensure its longevity. Here are a few instances when you should consider reaching out to professionals:

  • If you are experiencing a decrease in water flow or a drop in water temperature, it may indicate a build-up of mineral deposits in the heat exchanger. Professional maintenance can help address this issue effectively.
  • When your tankless water heater starts producing strange noises or emitting foul odors, it is crucial to have professionals inspect and clean the unit, as these could be signs of a more significant problem.
  • If you are unsure about how often to flush your Navien tankless water heater or if you have recently moved into a new home with an existing unit, seeking professional advice will help you establish a maintenance schedule.

Benefits Of Scheduled Professional Service

Scheduled professional service for your Navien tankless water heater brings numerous benefits that contribute to its efficiency and long-term functionality. Here are some advantages worth considering:

  1. Expertise: Professional technicians possess the knowledge and expertise necessary to properly inspect, clean, and maintain your tankless water heater. They can identify any potential issues early on and ensure thorough servicing.
  2. Optimal Performance: Regular professional maintenance helps remove mineral deposits and debris that can hinder the heater’s performance. This ensures a steady flow of hot water and avoids any temperature fluctuations.
  3. Longer Lifespan: By having professionals flush and maintain your Navien tankless water heater regularly, you can significantly extend its lifespan. This saves you from costly repairs or premature replacements.
  4. Energy Efficiency: A well-maintained tankless water heater operates efficiently, reducing energy consumption and lowering utility bills. Regular professional service will help keep your unit running at its highest efficiency levels.
  5. Peace of Mind: Knowing that your Navien tankless water heater is being maintained by professionals brings peace of mind. You can trust that the unit is in good hands and will continue to provide hot water reliably.

By leveraging professional services for the maintenance of your Navien tankless water heater, you can ensure its optimal performance, longevity, and energy efficiency. Don’t hesitate to seek expert assistance when needed and enjoy the various benefits that come with scheduled professional service.

Frequently Asked Questions For How Often To Flush Navien Tankless Water Heater

How Often Should You Clean A Navien Tankless Water Heater?

To ensure your Navien tankless water heater works properly for years, it is recommended to clean it annually. Annual maintenance removes mineral deposits that accumulate on heat exchangers and other parts. Neglecting to clean the heater may result in clogs and reduced efficiency.

Additionally, if you hear banging or booming sounds from the heater, it may indicate sediment build-up and the need for flushing.

How Do I Know If My Tankless Water Heater Needs To Be Flushed?

If your tankless water heater is making booming or banging sounds, it may be a sign that it needs to be flushed. Sediment buildup can cause clogs and affect heating efficiency. Contact a plumber to help you flush out the system and prevent any further issues.

What Happens If You Don’t Flush Your Tankless Water Heater?

Failure to flush your tankless water heater can result in mineral deposits building up, causing clogs and preventing efficient heating. Your hot water may fluctuate and overheat the system, impacting its efficiency. It is recommended to flush your tankless water heater regularly to prevent these issues.

How Much Does It Cost To Flush Tankless Water Heater?

Flushing a tankless water heater can cost between $100 to $200. It is important to flush the heater regularly to prevent mineral deposit buildup and maintain its efficiency. Neglecting to flush the heater may result in clogs and fluctuating hot water temperatures.


Regular maintenance is crucial for the optimal performance of your Navien tankless water heater. By flushing the system periodically, you can prevent mineral deposits from building up and potentially causing clogs or inefficiencies. Annual maintenance is recommended to remove any sediment and ensure the longevity of your water heater.

Neglecting to flush your tankless water heater can lead to fluctuating hot water temperatures and decreased efficiency. Don’t wait until problems arise; schedule regular flushes to keep your Navien tankless water heater running smoothly.

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